Social Welfare Minister Ak Mirabai today applauded the performances of the visually impaired state players who had bag several medals in the recently concluded 19th National Sports Meet for Blind at New Delhi. All together 10 visually impaired state players had participated the event and bagged 5 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 4 bronze medals. The players were felicitated today by Welfare Association for the Blind, Manipur at Takyel. Along with the felicitation function the 11th Laishram Guaramani Memorial Award for Visually Handicapped 2014-15 was conferred on to Maibam Ranveer Singh, in recognition to his dedication to his study besides being visually handicapped. The awards consists of Rs. 10,000/-, a citation and a memento and was donated by Padmashree L. Nabakishore Singh. Maibam Ranveer Singh is presently studying Master Degree at Manipuri University. He began his career from Takyel Govt. Blind School.
Social Welfare Minister AK Mirabai who attended the felicitation function as the chief Guest while applauding the achievement of the visually impaired students said that the government too is taking up various supportive programme for the welfare of the handicapped. She also appealed the visually impaired persons to enjoy the benefits provided by the state government.
On the occasion, the Welfare Association for Blind, Manipur also submitted a five point memorandum to the Social Welfare Minister AK Mirabai. The five points includes fielding of vacant post for faculties of the Govt. Blind School Takyel, adequate supply of text books for blind, immediate solution to the water problem faced by the students of the Takyel Blind School, arrangement of a vehicle for the students and construction of a children park at the close proximity of the school.
Mirabai applauses performances of visually impaired state players
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