A short film called “The Linger”, directed by Shamurailatpam Bishwajit Sharma alias Shamtom Shar from Manipur, has been officially selected for the 4th Delhi International Film Festival, Scheduled to be held from December 5-10.
The film tells the story of a man haunted by dreams from his past and explores the relationship between dreams and the subconscious mind.
Bishwajit Sharma, son of Ph. Brajamuhini Devi, comes from Bishnupur Mamang Leikai, Manipur. After studying film editing at Digital Film Academy, Mumbai, he assisted filmmaker O. Gautam in a few Manipur films. He attended screenwriting workshops by Jame V. Hart and Alexandra Viets, documentary workshops by DocEdge, Kolkata and acting workshop by Seema Biswas.
Bishwajit expressed his disappointment with the substandard and purely commercial films being made in Manipur nowadays. He opined that he was wanted to change the concept of fast money-making through films, instead focusing on genuine filmmakers who produce good movies.
S. Bishwajit Sharma’s “The Linger” selected for Intl. festival