JAC formed against the brutal killing of Tensubam Premananda (Taton) today stormed Lamlai police station demanding arrest of the culprits involved in the killing. Over 500 local people of Takhel area blocked the Imphal-Urkhul road for almost 3 hours in front of Lamlai police station at around 12:55 pm demanding the immediate arrest of the culprits involved in the killing while demanding release of the five person arrested by the police in connection with the killing as they are innocent. The JAC also warned serious consequences if the dead body is forcibly cremated.
Later, the SDPO of Lamlai Police put the situation under controlled after talking with the representatives of the JAC.
The five person arrested by police in connection with the killing are identified as Keisam Ningthouren (26), L Ibungo (28) , Tensubam Bobi (25), Phairoijam Naba (36) and Y Anil Kumar (24) of Takhel Village.
JAC against the killing of T. Premandanda storm at Lamlai PS
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