Imphal, June 24: An umbrella body of organizations for diasabled people has alleged that authorities in the state have been continuously depriving them of their rights and entitlements under various schemes for years and appealed to the newly installed BJP-led government to help them receive their rightful claims. The newly elected president of the apex body – State Platform of Disabled People’s Organisation – Md Yunus Khan said at a press conference after taking charge that the past governments that administered the state have shown to lack commitment in implementing the projects and policies related to disabled people. All types of grant in aid, financial assistance, unemployment allowances and scholarships meant for the benefit of disabled people in the state for the financial year 2016-17 were not distributed and the prescribed forms for selection of beneficiaries for the current financial year 2017-18 have not been issued, he stated. At the same, legislations passed by the Parliament for the welfare of disabled people like the People’s with Disability Act have not been implemented in the state even now. Every time we approached the government departments to seek our rightful claims they behaved in such manners that made us feel like beggars and appeared to have the assumption that the social welfare department is the only one department with the responsibility for tending to our whole needs, he added. The administration has hold back even the measly amounts given as financial assistances and it looked like they don’t actually care about our welfare at all. However, if the administration continues to deny even our basic rights the organization will be taking up a series of agitations, he warned comprehending on the types of agitation being mooted. General elections for choosing the new office bearers were also held today. Apart from Md Yunus Khan, P Liivie will be the general secretary and Kim Thomte will be the new treasurer.
Disabled people denied financial aids for 2016-17: SPDPO
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