Chief Minister OkramIbobi Singh today said that Tourist Guest House being constructed at Siroy Hills in Ukhrul district could not be completed due to paucity of fund. Replying to a question by MLA Samuel Risom during question hour of the state assembly session, Chief Minister OkramIbobi Singh said that a total amount of Rs. 43,86,938 has been released in two instalment for construction of Tourist Home at Siroy under the State Plan. He said in 2005, a sum of Rs. 20 lakhs was sanctioned as first instalment for construction of the guest house under the state plan. In 2008, a sum of Rs. 23,86,938 was released. Additional fund of Rs. 33,24,791 was required to be provided from the Annual Plan Allocation 2012-13 in respect of Tourism Department . However due to paucity of fund, the amount required for completion of the Tourist Home at Siroy along with the construction of fencing and gate could not be provided. No fund have been sanctioned in 2011-12.
Siroy Tourist House could not be completed due to paucity of fund