Home » Two Books by Arambam Memchoubi published

Two Books by Arambam Memchoubi published

by Jeet Akoijam
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Two Books by Arambam Memchoubi published

IT News
Imphal, April 28:

Today marks a significant moment in the literary scene in Manipur as two new works by author Arambam Memchoubi have been published. Among them is Memchoubi’s debut novel titled Nongthrei Parengm a poignant narrative that has been in the making since the 1990s. Alongside this debut novel, Memchoubi’s latest play “Tutenglon” has also been released, adding to her impressive repertoire of literary contributions.
With the publication of “Nongthrei Pareng,” Arambam Memchoubi ventures into the realm of novel writing for the first time, showcasing her versatility and depth as a writer. Reflecting on her journey, Memchoubi revealed that the novel’s genesis dates back to the 1990s, emphasizing that its completion is a culmination of years of dedication and creative exploration.
In a statement regarding “Nongthrei Pareng,” Memchoubi shared insights into her evolving perspective, stating, “We have only criticized the rebels. But since May 3 last year, we have realized the movement is based on the truth and people look at them differently now.” This introspective shift hints at the novel’s thematic depth and its exploration of societal complexities.
Accompanying Memchoub’s Tutenglon, a work rooted in historical narratives and cultural insights. Describing the play, Memchoubi elucidated, “It is a text which is about a just and truthful king. It is based on text. It gives us information about a lot of things about our ancient past.” Through Tutenglon, Memchoubi offers audiences a compelling glimpse into ancient history, intertwining fiction with factual elements.
Arambam Memchoubi’s literary journey spans across various genres, encompassing poetry, literary criticism, translations, and edited volumes. With a total of 22 books to her credit, including translations and edited volumes, Memchoubi’s contributions to Manipuri literature have been instrumental in shaping the cultural landscape.

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