Home » 12th Manipur Polo International 2018: Uruguay drub India A 8-1

12th Manipur Polo International 2018: Uruguay drub India A 8-1

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Nov. 27
Uruguay thumped India A 8-1 on the fifth day of the 12th Manipur Polo International 2018 at Mapal Kangjeibung yesterday. Both the teams had a sluggish start and were not able to open their accounts. Col Tarsem did come very near to scoring in this chukker but missed the shot right in front of the goal. Mahesh also get a good shot in but it went just wide of the goal.
In the 2nd chukker, the Uruguayan scored inside the first minute through Alenjandro Alhordoy. India A also opened its account when Col Tarsem scored through a beautiful penalty hit. As the match progressed, the Uruguayan team began to dominate more and more. They relentlessly attacked the Indian goal and in the 5.48th minute, Guillermo Secco scored to make it 2-1 at the end of this chukker.
The 3rd chukker proved to be the most productive one for Uruguay and this where they ran away with the match. The Uruguay team added as many as four goals in this chukker. The first of these came from Guillermo Secco, who was having a good match, in the 1.28th minute. Then Juan Fernandes and Alenjandro Alhordoy added one each in the 2.06th and 3.43rd minute while Guillermo added one more in the 5.24th minute to make it 6-1 in favour of Uruguay at the end of the 3rd chukker. India A failed to add to their tally in this chukker. In the Last chukker, Guillermo Secco scored yet again in the .43rd minute to make it 7-1. Alenjandro Alhordoy scored the eighth goal for Uruguay in the 6.16th minute. In this chukker also India A failed to score any goal. Uruguay won the match 8-1
The India A team was represented by Col Tarsem Singh, Major Apurva Babhade, Dfr Rambir Singh, Mahesh Sharma and Nadim Ali while Uruguay was represented by Guillermo Secco, Alejandro Elhordoy, Jaun Fernandez, Fafael Secco and Juan Secco. Viking Salam and Kh Dinesh Singh from Manipur were the Umpires.
Today, November 27,  USA will play England while Manipur will take on Uruguay. 

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