Home » CRPF built passenger waiting shed at Karong

CRPF built passenger waiting shed at Karong

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Nov 27,     

109 Bn CRPF handed over a passenger shed to the village president  at Khabung Karong Distt- Senapati, Manipur today. 109 Bn CRPF renovated a passenger shed  at Khabung Karong village under civic action programme under the aegis of Shri Rajesh Kumar, IPS , IGP M&N sector, CRPF. This passenger shed was in dilapidated condition and was abandoned. Having a vision to facilitate villagers/transient along NH-2 in far flung area 109 Bn took this humanitarian initiative and renovated it. This was a long pending demand of villagers and critical need as informed by the village president. The inaugural function was attended by senior Administrative Officers of the District Senapati, Sh. Vinod Kumar, Commandant 109 Bn CRPF and prominent public leaders besides more than 300 villagers.
Mr. K.L Markson Chairman Autonomous District Council Senapati graced the occasion as chief guest and in his speech he lauded the initiative of 109 Bn CRPF for undertaking such humanitarian activity. He also mentioned the construction of public toilets at Karong and Mao by 109 Bn CRPF and providing educational and sports aid to the Thong upper primary school in the month of September-2018.
Village president Mr. N.G. Dehe Daniel thanked the Commandant 109 Bn CRPF and his team on behalf of his villagers on such an enchanted renovation of the passenger shed and praised the 109 Bn CRPF for its indelible contribution to his village and community.

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