Home » Kakching DC orders closure of unregistered De-Addiction Centers

Kakching DC orders closure of unregistered De-Addiction Centers

by Jeet Akoijam
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Kakching DC orders closure of unregistered De-Addiction Centers

IT News
Kakching, May 24:

The district administration of Kakching has mandated the shutdown of all unregistered de-addiction centers within three months in response to multiple complaints regarding non-compliance with operational guidelines.
District Commissioner Ruhit Anand announced the directive, highlighting the urgent need to align all centers with the standards set by the TRUST guidelines. “Effective immediately, all unregistered de-addiction centers must cease new admissions and complete their closure within three months,” stated Anand.
This action stems from recent directives issued by the Social Welfare Department of Manipur. A letter dated May 3, 2024, emphasized the need for stringent measures against unauthorized centers, following a series of complaints and an investigation by the Manipur Human Rights Commission. The investigation uncovered numerous violations of safety and operational standards in these facilities.
The administration’s order also specifies that patients currently receiving treatment at unregistered centers must be transferred to registered facilities. Three approved centers have been designated for these transfers: Healing Point and Phidam, both located in Machin Manao Hills, Kakching, and Better Living Rehabilitation Centre for Substance Abuse Behavioural Addiction in Sora, Ching Wangma Kakching.
In his statement, the Deputy Commissioner Anand underscored the administration’s commitment to ensuring the highest standards of care and compliance in de-addiction services. He stressed the importance of registered centers adhering to the TRUST guidelines, which are designed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment for substance abuse.
The closure of unregistered centers marks a significant step towards improving the quality of de-addiction services in Kakching. The district administration’s decisive action is aimed at safeguarding the well-being of individuals seeking help for substance abuse and ensuring that all treatment facilities operate within the legal and ethical frameworks established by the state.

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