Home » RIMS refutes allegations, condemns assault on Security Staff

RIMS refutes allegations, condemns assault on Security Staff

by Konthoujam Gita
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RIMS refutes allegations, condemns assault on Security Staff

IT News
Imphal, May 24:

The RIMS Authority strongly condemned the vandalism of RIMS property and the assault on civil security personnel by a group from Lamphel Khunou. The incident, which resulted in injuries to the security staff, occurred without any provocation.
A press release by RIMS said, “RIMS had opened the eastern side gate for the convenience of Lamphel Khunou residents, in addition to the always-open gate near the Mortuary. However, due to ongoing unrest in the state, the movement of outsiders on the campus has been restricted for security reasons. Despite this, residents of Lamphel Khunou were allowed to move freely for religious and domestic purposes as per a district court order.”
On May 23, 2024, at 10:00 am, a large group from Lamphel Khunou dismantled the barricades near the entrance gates and damaged other institute properties. They also assaulted unarmed civil security personnel, causing injuries, the press release added.
RIMS refuted the allegations made by Lamphel Khunou Meira Paibi Secretary, Karam Chaoba Devi, calling them baseless and affirming that no court orders were violated.

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