Home » Student bodies call for urgent reforms at Manipur University

Student bodies call for urgent reforms at Manipur University

by Kshetrimayum Birosh Singh
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Student bodies call for urgent reforms at Manipur University

IT News
Imphal, May 24:

Six major student organizations in Manipur, including the Manipur Students’ Federation (MSF), Democratic Students’ Alliance of Manipur (DESAM), Kangleipak Students’ Association (KSA), Students’ Union of Kangleipak (SUK), and Apunba Ireipakki Maheiroi Sinpanlup (AIMS), have voiced their serious concerns over the current state of Manipur University. Comparing the institution to a patient in an intensive care unit, the student bodies are demanding immediate reforms to address the pressing issues.
In a joint statement signed by representatives of these student organizations, they highlighted several critical issues stemming from administrative failures. The university has been unable to adhere to its academic calendar, and classes for newly opened postgraduate courses have yet to commence. The statement criticized the university administration for focusing more on contract-oriented activities than on enhancing the academic environment.
Furthermore, the delay in conducting the Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) elections was also pointed out as a significant concern. The student bodies emphasized that timely and fair elections are crucial for maintaining a healthy academic atmosphere and ensuring student representation in university governance.
The student organizations are urging the university administration to take swift action to address these issues. They call for a renewed focus on academic excellence and proper governance to restore Manipur University to its esteemed status.

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