Home » Use media to make the tribal brethren understand the Bills

Use media to make the tribal brethren understand the Bills

by IT Web Admin
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The root of the present impasse being continue till today is the passing of the three government Bills by the state legislative Assembly on August 31. The three government Bills were not willingly passed by the state government but were passed due to unbearable pressure from the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) which was spearheading extreme form of protest for protection of the Inner Line Permit System in the state. Almost all people of the state who had gone through the content of the Bills knows that the Bills has nothing to hurt the sentiments of the tribal people but rather it will act as a tool to strengthen the existing mechanism to protect the identity, cultural domination and the traditions of each community living in the state from time immemorial. But knowing this, some vested interested persons are spreading false interpretation of the three Bills and are spreading false propaganda to fuel the anger of the common people in the hill region who of course has victim of discrimination from the government side from a very long time. The innocent tribal villagers are angry with the present ruling government as they are not being informed about the benefits that they are being provided. And interesting those benefits provided by the government are being enjoyed by some tribal leaders who are making all the trouble in the state. A 10 point propaganda pamphlet which is being distributed at Churachandpur district in Paite dialect to organize mass agitation is no more a secret. The 10 points at which they mention are in no way related with the contents of the Bills. But the ignorant villagers are being driven by some form of force to act against the government decision. Now, when some student organizations or civil society organizations based at Hill district of the state said that the Hill Area Committee was never consulted or none of the Hill area MLAs were consulted to the passing of the Bill, every Knows that they are spreading false propaganda as the chairman of the all political party committee which had taken suggestions from all wake of life was none other than the Dy. Chief Minister of the state who himself is tribal. There is question of hurting the sentiment of the tribal people by a committed tribal leader who is potential of becoming a Chief Minister one day. So what went wrong? Is someone in the government deliberately attempting to make this an issue? This is being question because the government has failed to convince the tribal people who are being misguided by properly spreading awareness about the content of the Bill to each and every villager in Hill district. It is true that reaching everyone is not possible but there are other ways to reach each one. Media is one tools that can serve at this purpose. Every week Prime Minister Narendra Modi is making good use of the Radio to interact with his fellow citizen of the country and it is effective. That is why some rival political parties of the BJP are strongly opposing it. Radio, television, print media are now a means to spread the awareness of the general people in hill areas who had been wrongly misguided by some vested interested persons. The authority in the government need to spend some time and make good use of this media vehicles to interact with the people to make them understand that the Bills is for the protection of all the people of the state. A phone –in –programme, that too live, with experts from the government, if possible with the Deputy Chief Minister and other bureaucrat officers is indeed the need of the hour at any of the media vehicles – AIR, DDK, and private cable TV network. And moreover the government needs to publish the content of the Bills at all the newspapers of  Churachandpur district by translating it to their dialect. Time to act soon or we may witness the worst situation.

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