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Clean up

by IT Web Admin
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It has become increasingly clear that attempts of the Manipur government to solve the problem of insurgency by bringing people associated with such outfits to the mainstream will be stonewalled. Lalheiba Meitei, chairman and all cadres of United Revolutionary Front (URF ), escaped from the designated camp on September 20. The State and Central forces have failed to locate them. Photographs released to the press show that they had reached an undisclosed camp. These insurgents from over 15 outfits are shunned by villagers. Since no designated camp can be opened in view of objections from the villagers, the former insurgents are staying in makeshift camps opened within the camps of Assam Rifles.
In Nagaland, ceasefire agreements had been signed with insurgents. But in case of Manipur, some tribal insurgents had signed the suspension of operations (soo) with the Army on August 1, 2005. However, the Manipur government said that it was not taken into confidence while signing the soo. The police continued to arrest and kill some tribal insurgents. Besides, ground rules like location of the designated camp at places 20 km away from highways, depositing weapons with the Army camps, pledge to protect the territory of Manipur and avoid insurgency related violence were observed in breach only. Eventually, the Manipur government was involved and a modified soo was signed on August 22, 2008. Now cadres of 15 outfits are staying in the camps of security forces.
However, there have been instances of arresting some cadres from the designated camps on various charges. A statement issued by the URF says that past charges against those who are striving for peace are not withdrawn. Instead, all the hardcore leaders have to attend the National Investigation Agency court in Guwahati two times in a month.
Courtesy: The Hindu

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