Home » XL State Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition for Children, 2019

XL State Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition for Children, 2019

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Imphal, Nov 29

Education Minister Thokchom Radheshyam has inaugurated the XL State Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition(SLSMEE) for Children, 2019at T. G. Higher Secondary School, Imphal on the theme “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development” on Thursday. The exhibition was organized by The Science Unit, Department of Education (S)for students from Class IX – XII.

The Minister said that the theme of the exhibition is very relevant as sustainability is the need of the hour for securing the future. As defined ‘Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’

He elaborated that ‘sustainable’ is the magic world of the modern world. If the present generation used up all the available resources, there will be nothing left for the future generations. It is therefore important that sustainable means/methods are developed with science and technology through research, investigation and study. And thus, Science, Mathematics and Technology become one of the important sources for better future.

Th. Radheshyam said that understanding of number and science is very important to become successful as it acts as powerful tools for investigating and understanding the nature and the world. Human negligence has been the reason for numerous natural disasters and calamities. Human being must maintain a good relation with environment to live a happy life. The universe and earth does not belong only to humans but to each and every living creature.

Commissioner Education (S), Kh. Raghumani Singh while giving the Presidential speech elaborated on the sub themes of the SLSMEE – Sustainable Agricultural Practices; Cleanliness and Health; Resource Management; Industrial Development; Future Transport and Communication; Educational Games and Mathematical Modeling. He also highlighted about the importance and the positive changes that science and technology has brought in different sectors and specially in field of agriculture.

Director, Education (S), Th. Kirankumar appreciated the efforts of the teachers and guardians in guiding the students in developing the models. He said that new innovation grooms a country to grow. India is advancing in terms of science and technology and space science. Science has major role to play in shaping the future.

In all 51 (fifty – one) models are being exhibited with 25 students participating in the Work Experience Camps (WEC) at the State Level Science Exhibition by students from 16 Zone. The SLSMEE is a culmination of the various exhibitions organized at the 17 Zonal Level Exhibitions. From the State Level Exhibition best 15 (fifteen) exhibitors and 5 (five) selected students for Quiz/Work Experience Camp will participate in the Eastern India Science Fair Kolkata from 14th- 18th January, 2020. And subsequently best 3 (three) exhibitors will have the opportunity to be part of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition, 2020.

The exhibition is being taken up as an annual feature in collaboration with NCERT. It is taken up to popularize Science, Mathematics and Environment Education amongst children, teachers and public in general.As a part of the exhibition a one day seminar on the topic – Periodic Table of Elements – was also held.

The inaugural function was attended by concerned officials of the Department of Education (S), teachers, students and guardians. The exhibition will conclude on 30 November, 2019.

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