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Police constable recruitment appeared candidates’ demands declaration of result

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, March 27: All Manipur Police Constable Male Viva Voce Completed Candidate , 2016 today urged the concerned authority for declaration of the result which was completed on December 5, 2016.
Speaking to media persons at Manipur Press club today the constable appeared candidates said that after convening a meeting the candidate had resolved to form a JAC of the constable recruitment appeared candidates to urged the government authority for declaration of the result.
Mutum Rohit , president of the JAC while talking to media persons said that said that fresh recruitment test was held by a notification of the then Congress government led by Okram Ibodi Singh on May 17, 2016. The recruitment process was completed on December 5 2016, however it has not been declared till today. He urged the new government led by the BJP to declare the result at the earliest possible time.
Assistant secretary of the AC Manichandra said that around 8000 candidates had appeared in the viva voce test after completing Physical Efficiency Test and Written test. He appealed the government to declare the result of the recruitment examination in the interest of the youths who had wanted to join the police force to serve the government and the people.

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