Home » More suspected swine flu case reported; panic stricken civilians rushes for protective masks

More suspected swine flu case reported; panic stricken civilians rushes for protective masks

by Rinku Khumukcham
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More people are seen rushing to pharmacies to buy protective mask, as more suspected cases of swine flu are reported in hospitals at Imphal. After a 35-year-old woman from Imphal East had been tested positive for swine flu, three more persons showing symptoms of the disease have been hospitalized at various hospitals including one at RIMS. Tension was seen running high at the hospital premises as a suspected case was admitted today morning. The person has been kept at isolated ward of RIMS hospital.
The first H1N1 confirmed victim is undergoing treatment at an isolation ward of Shija Hospitals and Research Institute. She was admitted to the hospital on February 27 and investigation report of her throat swab tested positive for swine flu later.
That was the first swine flu case in Manipur and the third in the Northeast after Mizoram and Nagaland.
The hospital’s managing director Kh Palin said the second person showing swine flu-like symptoms was admitted on Friday and her throat swab was sent for laboratory testing on Sunday morning. He added the third patient, an 11-year-old girl, was admitted on Sunday morning.
“The state health authorities have provided all required materials, including medicines and protective gears, for our hospital staff who are dealing with the patients,” said Palin.
A few days ago, state health officials had sent the throat swab of a man from Nambol in Bishnupur district, who showed swine flu-like symptoms, for testing to Mumbai.
Though the department is yet to receive the report, the condition of the man, who is staying at his residence in isolation, is better, sources said.
The state government has opened isolation wards at the state-run Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences and centre-run Regional Institute of Medical Sciences here. Surveillance cells that have been opened in all nine districts of the state are functioning properly.

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