Home » Man lynched for murdering 2 including a policeman

Man lynched for murdering 2 including a policeman

by IT Web Admin
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IT News
Imphal, July 13: In a bizarre incident happened yesterday evening at Chakpikarong, a person was lynched by an angry mob after he had allegedly murdered a policeman and a local labour. According to report Naorem Hemogud (26) son of late Sanatomba of Kakching Baji Leikai  had murdered two persons including a police constable identified as D. Konthang Maring (30) of Tengnoupal Heinoukhong and another local labour DS Tansing Annal (30) of Chakpikarong Annal Khunou after having a heated argument.  Following that, locals of the surrounding and a team of police came and tried to haul him up. However, as he tried to resist the locals turn into a mob and lynch him to death. All the dead bodies have been brought at JNIMS morgue.

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