Kangleipak Students Association (KSA) today threaten serious agitation if the state government failed to clarify over the matter of Siroy Lily which is being mentioned in Nagaland board text book as the only flower available in Nagaland. Speaking during the 10th foundation of the student body today at Leimayol Arts Centre, Singjamei Chingamakha, Moirangthem Laxman, President of KSA said that the student body will begin agitation if the government didn’t clarify over the matter by having dialogue with the Nagaland government counterpart.
The foundation day function was attended by Professor N. Mohilal, Dean of Students Welfare MU, Moirangthem Lakshman President of KSA and Dr Chingangbam Sarat as Chief Guest, President and guest of honour respectively.
Chief Guest of the function N. Mohihal while speaking on the occasion stated that the Manipur University is opening the Master degree course for Fine Arts from next academic session.
KSA threatens agitation over Siroy Lily controversy