Home » Anatomical Society of India opposes MCI decision to reduce faculty

Anatomical Society of India opposes MCI decision to reduce faculty

by IT Web Admin
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During the General Body Meeting held on 22nd November 2015 at the 63rd National Conference of the Anatomical Society of India at the King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, the members of the Anatomical Society of India vehemently opposed the MCI decision of reducing faculty (staff) requirement in its latest notification. The MCI decision has heralded a negative impact to the young medicos to take up this subject as their future career.
The galaxy of Anatomist of India have pointed out that adequate number of staffs needs to be deployed in order to impart quality teaching in this subject. In earlier MCI regulations, the prescribed student to faculty ratio had been 10:1. The country has already been facing scarcity of post-graduate aspirants in such a subject (Anatomy) leaving post-graduate seats unclaimed in the majority of Medical Colleges & Institutes in India. The recent decision is likely to further worsen the situation. It will be a discouragement to prospective candidates from taking up such subjects because of lack of job prospects.
It is of great concern to the Anatomical Society of India that if the MCI do not retract or correct it, there will be a large number of Medical Colleges & Institutes with inadequate numbers of teaching faculty to impart adequate quality education. It is worth recalling that Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) enhanced the age of superannuation of the retiring professors to 65 years to cope with the shortage of teaching staffs. In addition, MCI now accepts teachers to work up to the age of 70 years for the same reason.
In further, joining of young medicos in pre and para-clinical teaching subjects may be adversely affected by such notifications. Hence, the ration should be restored if quality education is to be imparted in India.

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