Home » Dr N. Damayanti Devi inducted as President of Anatomical Society of India

Dr N. Damayanti Devi inducted as President of Anatomical Society of India

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Dr. N. Damayanti Devi, Prof. & HOD of Anatomy, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal have been declared and inducted as President of Anatomical Society of India (2015 – 2016) on 23rd Nov, 2015 at Lucknow during 63rd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India.
Further, she is also awarded as fellow of the Anatomical Society of India as one of the two for the year 2015 based on contribution of works in the field of Anatomy. She had been consistently working to bring up the image of Anatomy both in the Department and Anatomical Society of India. It is worth mentioning that a number of post-graduate students worked under her begged national awards and their articles are published in National journals.
In 2012, Cytogenetics laboratory was opened and installed Ultrasonography machine in the Department for promotion of teaching and research works for the post-graduate students.
In 2014, she represented India in the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists in Beijing. She hosted 62nd NATCON for the second time in RIMS in Nov, 2014.
She vowed that she will try her best to fulfill the wishes of members of the Anatomical Society of India and will work harder so that Indian anatomist are known globally.

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