IT News
Imphal, Aug.7:
A senior resident consultant at JNIMS, who has been assigned for duty at COVID Care Center JNIMS on rotation basis one week, today collapsed probably after he was exhausted after taking care of those COVID-10 patients at the center.
A video that was uploaded on social media showed the doctor nearly fall after he lost out of control in his PPE suit. A staff help him and was taken safely in a wheelchair.
When Imphal Times enquired about the matter, the source from JNIMS said that today is the last day for his duty at the CCC. Three consultants have been assigned every week on a rotation basis and after completion of the duty, those assigned for duty have to undergo for 7 days quarantine. Source further added that the doctor who collapsed is identified as Dr. Utthan, a Senior Resident consultant of JNIMS.
“Today is the last day of his duty and he has to go for quarantine, but while coming out at around 3.30 he collapsed, but he is safe now”, the source said. Maybe he was exhausted due to heavy-duty in the last 7 days.