State unit BJP President, Th. Chaoba today slammed the Okram Ibobi Singh led Congress government over its failure to arrest those involved who had kidnapped and troubled the ADC candidates of the ensuing election scheduled on June 1. Speaking during the celebration held for completion of one year of government by BJP at the center Th. Chaoba said that the present Congress government in the state have no right to blame the center over the number of crime committed by the NSCN-IM. He said the cease fire agreement signed between the government of India and the NSCN-IM is within the state of Nagaland only and it does not exist in the state of Manipur. Even after knowing this why the government of Manipur did not act anything to the NSCN-IM, ask Th. Chaoba.
BJP slams Congress over abduction of ADC candidates by miscreants
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