Home » Understanding Communist ideology: The only means for revival

Understanding Communist ideology: The only means for revival

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Scholars, politicians and almost all civil society leaders of this erstwhile nation call Manipur, now, become a part of the Indian union, are all politically sensible people. At public spare they talk of good governance, needs for protection and preservation of the identity, culture, traditions and history which is stated as many as 2000 years. Some says Manipur earlier called Kangleipak is the first Asiatic nation which elects its government through adult franchise. Well that was in the year 1948 when British left and handed over the administration to the then Maharajah of the erstwhile nation.
Well this write up not about argument or counter argument on the status of the state after its merger with the Indian Union but it is more about the political consciousness of the people of the state.
1972, when Manipur become a full fledged state of the country, Regional political Party called Manipur Peoples’ Party, Communist Party and Congress party were the most popular political parties of the state. Since then, many elections had conducted and government after government with different political parties leading the government had ruled the state.
Communist party of India was also one among the political party which reached its peak far and wide across the state in late 70s and early 80s. There were at least one or two candidates elected in every state election. Moreover, the number of  hard core Communist members were tough guys and never change their mind even though the number was not to the mark. The falls of the CPI began after 2001 election where around 5 of them were elected and later joined the government. May be there are other reason for the decline to the popularity of the CPI but as witnessed in the political history of the state it was that time that people started losing trust to the CPI.
When the country today talks about the revival of a third front led by the Communist party, the state of Manipur believes in either the Ruling BJP party and its alliance political party or the Congress Party .
The state witnessed 15 years of Congress rule and now a government led by the BJP. To the ideology of most of the people particularly those in the fore front, talks of communism is their main agenda. But for reason best to them no one is dare to come out and openly support the CPI.
Is it because of the so called CPI leaders of the state who are more bourgeoisies in character? Or is it because Manipur is waiting for the Communist regime to come back at the center?
Communist theory of a civilized develop society is what every youths of the state began their career. Those believed in the ideology of Marxism, Leninism and Maoism are recognized as leftist. When majority of the youths , since the time of Hijam Irabot believe in Communist regime why they change in their latter part of their life – a matter need to ponder.
It is rather a misunderstanding of what actually is left ideology due to misinterpretation by vested interested capitalist group who had also stood against equality.
Well Left is about putting primacy to the interest of the people as oppose to putting primacy to the interest of people.
The crumbling of the Soviet Union or the changes in China is the revolution brought by the ideology of the Communists leaders. Considering of North Korea Regime as of todat as socialist is in contrary to what Maoism has suggested . Socialist as demanded by leftist is about a society which is free- even more that the capitalism.
At this moment the Communist Party in India , both the CPI and the CPI M has remain lazy for quite a long time. Both have never tried any renewal to their ideology which is compulsion for bringing a revolution. This perhaps is one reason for the decline of the Communist party in the state.  
To some one aspire to become an elected representative, first they will see who is in the power at the center and where will he get more support in getting support. Ideology is not a matter for any persons in the state of Manipur.
The political sensibility which each and every outspoken politician was a mere joke as they don’t have a political ideology .
Their believe system is that Communist is too small to capable of reviving even in India and also across  the world.
But thing needed to be reminded to all the fellow politicians and those aspirant politician is that Left ideology has been written in the DNA of the Manipur Politics. So anything of the kind cannot be simply disappeared. It will come back.
As we all know that Marxism, Maoism or Leninism means concrete analysis of Congress condition. If you fail to change the analysis as per the condition then you are not a Communist at all.

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