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Playing with fire

by IT Web Admin
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If one failed to dance to the tune of the drum beat, he/she could neither be called a good dancer. The Manipuri saying still stands true and many across the world consider it one among the best proverb as success is brought to the act on perfect timing. Napoleon could have conquered United Kingdom had the United Kingdom waited for an appropriate time to strike back. Hitler could have been the empire of the world had not the Russian waiter for winter to hit back at them or hadn’t the American strike deadly atom bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese imperialism would have spread all over Asia and history would have been different. The leader who know where and when to act is called a successful leader. On the other hand a person who failed to utilize time properly and doesn’t do homework well on where and when to act is a fool blessed by destiny if in case he remains success. JCILPS convenor, Kh. Ratan, who is the main person spearheading the peoples’ movement for introduction of the ILPS is the state has been declared wanted with a reward of Rs. 5,00,000. The announcement was made within 24 hours after a Kolkata based journalist reported in one newspaper called ‘Indian Express’ about the JCILPS leader taking oath with an underground leader which is now in NIA custody for over 6 years. To the way the Indian Express reported, it is cleared that the photo was taken some times back, may be years and state investigating agency as well as the Indian IB had knowledge of Ratan being a member of the UG outfit. Newspapers and journalists including columnist had expressed the views and probable agenda of why the news is being carried out purportedly when the political party are all set to pursue the central government leadership. (See Imphal Times, June 2, 2016 issue) In our yesterday edition it was the Modi government that we pointed fingers for playing with the peoples’ movement.
If, the Indian Expressed journalist received all the sources from IB then assumption about the BJP government playing with the peoples’ movement is crystal clear. But the announcement of Rs. 5,00,000 rewards was declared by the state home department framing vigorous charges against the person who is spearheading the ILP movement to save the indigenous people of the state. This write up is a reminder to the Okram Ibobi Singh led congress Ministry that, the government, the legislators and the state Assembly has been made a mockery many a time for passing Bills hastily without going on to the details many a time. Bill passed by the state assembly has been again withdrawn by the same government in the history of Indian parliament. Privilege motion taken up against a human rights activist has been defeated. The immaturity of the legislators has been shown many times. And the people had witnessed the things happen. This is being recalled because the announcement of reward to Kh. Ratan may have some purpose for Chief Minister Okram Ibobi as he is all set to meet the prime Minister with other representatives of the political party to apprise the central government for getting approval of the 3 Bills passed by the state legislative Assembly last year (Aug 31). May be the announcement of Ratan as an outlawed, is considered a precautionary measure for Mr. Okram Ibobi Singh and if in case the prime Minister Modi grill him to give clarification on why the Bills demanded under the leadership of an UG cadre be passed by the state legislative Assembly. If this is the case – the thinking is completely wrong and will make another mockery of the state assembly as well as the government headed by him. We never expect that Indian Express news report is all that is required to charge a person guilty or not without conducting a government inquiry to find out how true is the report by a government committee. Don’t let the people sour with the Indian democracy by your untimely hasty decision Mr. Chief Minister.

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1 comment

Kham June 13, 2016 - 4:33 am

The actions of Ibobi govt.is quiet similar yo the ancient Indian ruler AURANGZEB who did many impractical things


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