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Lok Sabha Election: Striking a balance between politics and humanitarian crisis

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Lok Sabha Election: Striking a balance between politics and humanitarian crisis

As the countdown to the 18th Lok Sabha Election continues in Manipur, the political arena is ablaze with activity as candidates competing for votes across both the Inner and Outer Parliamentary constituencies. Set for polling on April 19 and 26, respectively, the elections mark a critical juncture for Manipur’s representation in the Parliament. However, amidst the electoral fervor, it’s crucial to acknowledge the glaring dichotomy between political fervor and the ongoing humanitarian crisis gripping the state.
Before the Election Commission of India’s announcement on March 16, Manipur was entrenched in turmoil, with over 60,000 individuals displaced and nearly 200 lives lost in the conflict. This dire situation prompted widespread apathy toward the impending elections, with many questioning the prudence of holding polls amid such chaos. Yet, with the declaration of candidates and the election schedule, a resurgence of election fever has eclipsed pressing humanitarian concerns, spotlighting a troubling trend where political expediency supersedes addressing urgent societal challenges.
As Manipur braces for the electoral contest, it’s imperative not to lose sight of the continued human suffering. The return to political normalcy must not come at the expense of addressing underlying issues plaguing the state. Political leaders and policymakers bear the responsibility to demonstrate sensitivity and prioritize the well-being of the people over electoral ambitions.
The crisis in Manipur is multifaceted, involving socio-political, economic, and identity-related tensions. While elections can influence government policies, a lasting solution to the crisis requires comprehensive dialogue, negotiation, and structural reforms addressing the root causes of conflict. This entails inclusive peace talks, efforts to address grievances, promote reconciliation, and ensure equitable development and representation for all communities in Manipur.
While elections are integral to democracy, their conduct must be balanced with a genuine commitment to addressing humanitarian crises. Manipur stands at a crossroads, where political exigencies must not overshadow the imperative of alleviating the suffering of its people. It’s time to strike a delicate balance between politics and the pressing humanitarian crisis in Manipur.

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