Two people lost their live and four other still lying in the hospital in the dastardly act of some illiterate cannibals on the broad daylight of December 15. Except for one all the victims are non local migrant workers. That was a big bomb, a powerful one and planting of the bomb could be only possible by some train person who knows pretty well about its technology. Above all the person who brought the bomb should have been someone very expert who is well experienced in crossing the security barricades encircling around Imphal city. Even a CIA trained fellow would not be able to do it as the location of the blast is too close with the Imphal city police station besides the presence of CRPF personnel round the clock for duty in and around the State Bank of India. Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam called the blast “an act of coward” and term the incident as unfortunate. But they denied to take the responsibility of what had happened the day.
If a labour committed a small mistake out of ignorance or intentionally which make a building collapse, the contractor as well as the engineer uses to hold the responsibility. In the same way if the present government failed to main maintain the law and order situation of the state then the man i the top should be held responsibility. But the most unfortunate part is none of the persons in the top post had comes up to accept the responsibility of what had happened that day.
Peoples’ assumption is that the bomb could have been planted and blasted by some uncivilised barbaric group who had always chose violence as a way of life. And it may be true. But then what is the use of recruiting so many police personnel and deploying so many para military and Army personnelin the state. It is a fact that militants penetrated deep into the core of the most restricted area but then someone should be held responsibility for allowing such thing to happen. Or else there is nothing wrong in saying that such blast which kills innocents are the well planned dirty works of those in the responsible chair to take some advantage. Everyone knows it.
Dirty tricks; who is responsible?
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