Home » Awaited expectation

Awaited expectation

by IT Web Admin
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A subtle yet consistent change is sweeping across the public domain in the state of late.
The State Government making a bold and decisive stand on the issue of disintegration of the State to appease a group of people apparently devised by the centre to wash it’s hands off the illogical issue is a case in point.
The people of the state, so far has been bearing with the indifference and inaction of the Government, and it still has a long way to go in doing away with the tag of a passive and unwilling entity in the scheme of things. But things needed to get started somewhere and hopefully this positive attitude of decisive governance is not a one-off incident but a jolt to total consciousness and a miraculous awakening of the inner strength suspiciously lacking thus far in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities by it’s various departments.
A fresh and objective view of things still needed attending to without any consideration for caste, creed, religion or more importantly personal relations or favours could be a great starting point. Ad-hoc measures and experimental governance has so far been the order of the day. It is now time to draw up a concerted and lasting roadmap taking into consideration the varied needs and demands of the public, keeping in mind the feasibility and practicality of such an action.
An understanding yet resolute Government is what the general public has been clamouring for, as a decisive and proactive approach coupled with a high level of transparency in governance will eradicate most of the trivial matters that has been made into mountains due to Government inactiveness.
The identity of the State and it’s welfare supersedes everything else and as long as the different groups and communities that contribute to the vibrant and diverse character of the State are allowed to co-exist in peace with their rights and privileges duly delivered, then only can there be lasting harmony and progress. Inclusive growth- concerted development of all sections and regions should be the aim. When the Government has taken the initiative and concrete steps towards enduring development in earnest, then will the warmongers and disruptive elements in the society began to stand out like sore thumbs to be remedied as they should necessarily be, regardless of the virtuous and discriminated façade they operate behind. It is for the Government to set the ball rolling and bring in the much needed change so eagerly awaited with a glimmer of hope, sparked by the recent bold steps and stands taken.
The people of the state has been led astray for too by too many forces- only for want of a far-sighted visionary and leader. Is the long wait coming to an end?

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