Home » Farmers should do farming without pesticides

Farmers should do farming without pesticides

by Vijay Garg
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Scientists clearly believe that organic or natural farming can play a remedial role in reducing the growing environmental crisis around the world.  It is noteworthy that natural farming is being adopted on a large scale in the northeastern states of India.  Gradually it is becoming popular among farmers in South, Central India and North India also.
The central government is also engaged in promoting it.  But the speed at which it should grow, it is not getting success in increasing it.  For this, more concerted efforts are needed.  For the past few years, the central government has started various initiatives to promote neem-coated urea.  The central government has also been doing a lot of publicity about its merits.  But has neem urea reduced the toxic elements growing in food grains?
It is worth noting that in India, neem-coated urea is being made in chemical fertilizer factories, but still there has been no significant reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers, but chemical fertilizers have become more expensive than before.
The cost of cultivation has also increased in the last few years.  In such a situation, progressive farmers have started adopting the option of natural farming.  Now farmers have adopted natural or organic farming as a powerful alternative.
Significantly, the trend of Indian farmers towards organic or natural farming is increasing continuously.  But the central and state governments have not provided those facilities to promote organic farming, which would have facilitated the farmers to do organic farming.  Despite this, organic farming is becoming the choice of common farmers.
If the central and state governments remove the shortage of seeds, organic fertilizers, water, agricultural machinery and electricity, then farmers may not hesitate to make organic farming their first choice.
A lot of research is also being done about natural farming.  Farmers are trying new things.  Due to this agricultural scientists are also more excited about natural farming.  Agricultural scientists believe that by promoting organic or natural farming, it helps to improve the environment, food, land, human health, and the purity of water.
In agriculture and horticulture, the use of pesticides in crops is considered necessary for better yield and elimination of diseases.  But indigenous farming and horticulture have raised questions about this notion.  These pesticides may be considered necessary for better yield or to eliminate diseases, but they have created many problems and complications.  They have become the cause of diseases.
It is worth noting that due to lack of knowledge about the diseases and problems caused by the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, farmers have started using them a lot.  The effect of this has been that even using such produce is falling prey to serious diseases.  Despite this, the farmer is not able to get rid of their use.
The agriculture departments of the central and state governments consider the use of insecticides essential.  Since the dominance of multinational companies has increased in the country, then foreign medicines of pesticides have started being used more for agriculture and horticulture.  Because of this, the farmer and his family are in more trouble.
On the other hand, the speed with which natural farming has helped the environment in Sikkim, it has become clear that if every farmer of India adopts natural farming, then many problems of Indian society can be solved.
It is worth noting that agricultural scientists have been warning about the problems caused by the use of pesticides for years.  But neither the central government is looking into it, nor the state governments.  As a result, many serious diseases caused by the use of pesticides are increasing.  Endosulfan is the most commonly used insecticide.
It is sprayed not only on crops, but also on vegetables and fruits.  According to environmentalists, the use of pesticides is having a huge impact on the environment.  One of the reasons for air pollution is the excessive use of pesticides.  If seen, many problems of children are arising due to pesticides.  Pesticides are the cause of many cancer, skin diseases, eye, heart and digestive problems.
The point of view is that the pesticides which have been banned in America and other developed countries are being used indiscriminately in India.  Whereas, all the organizations related to environment and agriculture have warned the governments about its wrong effect.
Now that the risk of serious diseases is increasing due to the use of pesticides, on the other hand, farmers in many parts of the country are also experimenting with better farming without the use of pesticides.  Farmers of Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have conducted successful experiments in this direction.  In this, instead of pesticides, spraying three days old whey and use of dry neem leaves has been very effective.
Farmers in nineteen districts of Andhra Pradesh have proved that pesticide use can be stopped by successfully cultivating without pesticides and producing higher than ever before.  This not only increases the fertility of the land, but also helps in protecting the environment.  Due to such safe use, no one gets any disease from food, vegetables and fruits.
Most of the agricultural scientists have now started considering organic farming as beneficial and safe for the farmer and farmer.  He believes that only through organic farming, farming can come out of losses and become profitable.  With this, while the migration from villages to cities will reduce, the problems increasing due to the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides will also be reduced.
No one can deny that most of the companies manufacturing pesticides are foreign i.e. multinational.  Indigenous farming reduces the sale of pesticides by multinational companies.  This affects their interests.  But the way farmers of eastern, northern and southern states have set an example by doing successful farming without pesticides on a large scale, it should be adopted by farmers across the country.
With this, they will not only get pure food, vegetables, fruits, but will also be able to protect the environment as well as get rid of expensive pesticides.  In view of the changing seasonal cycle, farmers of North and East India also need to adopt this practice of farming and horticulture free from pesticides.  For this, only the organizations which want the interest of the farmers will have to come forward.

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