IT News
Imphal, Nov 23,
Armed Rebel group United National Liberation Front (UNLF) today released its annual statement ahead of the party’s 54th Anniversary. The UNLF is celebrating the 54th Anniversary tomorrow the 24th November 24 , 2018.
While greeting the people , the UNLF Central Committee representing the Party and its’ armed wing, Manipur People’s Army call upon the collective wisdom of our patriotic peoples to do an earnest deliberation for the future of our Manipuri Nation that was bequeathed to us by our valiant forefathers shedding their blood and tears; so as to enable to pass it’s legacy onto our future generation providing a liberated, emancipated and transformed life world free from Indian Colonial shackles.
The statement tender apology for any mistakes that the party committed in the past years while discharging their revolutionary duties. Particularly, though UNLF has different specific plans for the working class, the same could not be implemented to the desired level because of more pressing political issues which cropped up now and then due to India’s colonial scheming. And hence, the party’s activities still could not ring out a message that it stands firm for the peasants and all working classes subjugated by the Indian capitalism.
The outfit stated that the ongoing Manipur-India conflict is passing through a critical phase and that the fate of our “Manipur nation” is very critical.
On the issue of Social Degradation the outfit stated that the Indian colonial rule is strangulating the people of this region, keeping them politically and economically subjugated for such a long time; the people of this region have become more and more dependent to India. The long colonial hold upon our lives by the Indian Colonialist has made such a heavy toll on the collective life world of our people as such, our society, have been degenerated up to such a point that we are losing our national pride and self-esteem. The number of peoples having slaving mentality is increasing within the society; they even started advocating that without depending on India, our survival and development will be impossible and these peoples less care whether our culture, our identity and our nation or indigenous peoples survive or not as long as their individual interest is served.
Regarding the present struggle the outfit stated that the Revolutionary Parties who are committed to free our oppressed people from the Indian colonial shackles are lacking to give our people a clear vision of a liberated, emancipated and transformed life world as they could not unite themselves and formulate a concrete strategic step of the liberation struggle against the common enemy so as to fructify it. Particularly, those groups which are founded, and working on ethnic lines and having hill-valley outlook need to do a soul-searching retrospection. Instead of deeply understanding and chalking out a common path for struggle against the common enemy, the Indian Colonial Rule, the groups are working in different way, on their own individual capacity and this baffles our masses and the struggle could not progress forward with concrete strategic step to give an impetus to our liberation.
Above all, the most important factor that is separating the revolutionaries from the common masses is the failing of the struggle to be the life support of the day-to-day fight for survival of the common people. This should be taken as the weakness of policy and principle on the part of our revolutionary parties. And the problem or weakness in the practical front is the un-ability to overcome today’s complicated situation; and to device a formula, a way-out to unify all the revolutionary groups irrespective of hills and plains. If this situation is not controlled as soon as possible, our struggle will be in danger as no movement without the support of the people is bound to suffer. This should be the God-speak for our Revolutionaries. Human Resource of Manipur – In our statement last year, we have emphasized that among all the resources that Manipur have, the most valuable is our people’s inherent and prolific human resource. With this abundant human resource only, though Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (3) Indian colonialism tried to keep us suppressed in every field, our people have been in excellence and outshines in many fields showing the world our mettle that we are not easily suppressible and will rise again like the phoenix. By this indomitable quality of our inherent human resource alone, we are capable of winning our fight against the Indian colonial regime and show a pathway of freedom and independence for our future generation. And therefore, we assert that our prolific human resource is the main force with which we can win our liberation struggle and enable us to rewrite our own destiny. Another area that UNLF envisage that is of paramount importance is to nurture and build up a patriotic and valiant future generation conscious about the social and national problems. In this regard, the UNLF Central Committee appeals to our compatriots to impart social education as well to the younger generations, particularly young children, about our ideal social values such as social courtesy, discipline and also instill in them the pride of being the descendants of the brave patriotic forefathers who built our nation through blood and tears. But ever since Manipur was annexed to India, the deep malaise which the people is experiencing is the anarchic system of education; and such a wholesome education policy to produce our desired human resource has been non-existent while all our educational institutions have been ruined by corruptions imported by the Indian colonial system. And above all these, India’s “National Education Policy” which is imposed upon us, instead of creating the desired human resources; is playing havoc with it; as our younger generations are made oblivious of our distinctive identity, culture, origin, and history. The reason for imposing this colonial policy is to obliterate our history and distinct identity so as to be able to colonize Manipur completely. Because, even after so much political and economic suppression, Indian colonial rule cannot make our people totally colonized and submissive; as our distinct identity and history makes us totally different from India and so unmixable as “Oil and water”. Therefore when the GoI try to impose any colonial policy which is allergic to Manipuris, the Manipuri peoples rise up and oppose with mass struggle; as we have seen in the past. It is bound to happen. “Fox guarding the chicken coop” : Thus, GoI realizing that, after years of political and economic suppression, though physically colonized; complete colonization of Manipur will not be possible so long as our brains, our people’s consciousness are not colonized and brainwashed. That is the very reason why, India is trying every effort to convert Manipur University, the centre of our human resource production as Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (4) the epicenter of Indianization and hub of Hindutva by scrupulous planning since the last few years. So to materialize this colonial agenda of “Saffronising MU” the controversial AP Pandey, a RSS agent and a good proponent of Hindutva as well, was put in the charge as Vice Chancellor of Manipur University. Since his take over as VC, instead of making efforts to improve the academic quality and atmosphere of the University, his priority was in “Saffronising” MU with his favorite cronies; converted some of them as “RSS Pracharak” and lakhs of rupee were syphoned off funding the ABVP-Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (BJP student wing) from the University funds. Many programs and functions underlying the RSS-BJP ideology were organized; including seminars and symposiums on the Birthday Anniversary of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, a RSS ideologue and co-founder of BJS (Bharatiya Jana Sangh) to convert the Manipur University as a dirty platform of Indian Politics. Apart from this, he converted MU into a den of corruption and nepotism and embezzlement of crores of rupee for personal coffer were his handiworks and the ultimate result is the immediate academic bankruptcy and decadence of the university since he took charge. Thus, the policy and effort to control and takeover of this highest centre of our academic activities, our intellectual pool is the hidden agenda of colonizing the main nerve-centre, the brains of our peoples and hence to complete the colonization of our Manipuri nation. This policy of GoI is aimed to completely destroy the university which is our human resource production centre and thereby obliterate our future. In short, it is like “entrusting the Fox to guard the chicken coop”. The conspiracy to destroy our most cherished human resource pool is a shock for all our patriotic peoples and no one can remain a silent spectator. Hence, the four month long movement to safeguard our one and only one University which is the highest temple of learning from obliteration, from the demonic hand of VC Pandey, by all the patriotic student communities, Professors, and staffs together was a compulsory and bounden duty to save our future generation. It is earlier stated that, our patriotic intellectuals and academicians are taking not only the important task of developing our human resource, that is the future of our society, but also taking the big role in formulating the correct political and ideological line of our revolutionary struggle. We want to say that, the recent movement of MU Community to remove VC Pandey is not just another agitation. UNLF deeply feels that it is a mature, unified and well co-ordinated movement of intellectuals, academicians, students, civil society bodies and Meira-paibis (women torch bearers) which carries a strong revolutionary message. Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (5) UNLF is thankful to all the respected Professors, academics, administrative staffs, student bodies who actively supported and took part in the movement to save the future of our students who are the real treasures of our future nation particularly the Professors despite their age and status they took the leading role braving all the atrocities of the vengeful puppet govt. The puppet govt. showing it’s true colour: The more interesting thing that the recent crisis of Manipur University over the ouster of its’ corrupt VC is that it could expose the colonial attitude of Govt. of India and its puppet Manipur Govt. as their repressive actions speak volumes of how Manipuris are kept suppressed for these long years. Even more, during the long 4 months shut down of the campus, the GoI and its’ concern ministry showing their indifference, didn’t take any meaningful steps to solve the problem; even though the academic career of the tens of thousands of Manipuri students were going to be ruined. When the agitation escalated to a mass movement as the whole of the Manipuri people joined in to save the careers of the students; then to save the skin of their protégé VC Pandey, the GoI’s concern Ministry started issuing contradictory orders, making the problem more complicated; to an impasse. And the puppet Manipur govt. letting loose its’ bloody police commandos cracked down upon the agitating students, beating them black and blue. One of the student leaders was pushed under a running truck thereby his arm was crushed and maimed for life. This inhumane repressive action of the puppet govt. to please their colonial masters; will be an unforgettable incident in the history of Manipur. The most astonishing part is that, though the Manipur govt. initially shirked off any responsibility saying that MU being a central university is not under its’ purview; but latter it let loose a reign of terror with heavy militarization in the campus saying that Delhi ordered to take harsh actions on the agitating MU community. The midnight police raid inside University hostels, beating and pulling out students from their rooms and putting them behind jails along with a number of Professors and administrative staffs who took leading roles in the agitation and keeping the campus under seize for days by heavy militarization; all these actions will remain as stark symbols of Indian colonial atrocities upon the University students and professors, in the annals of Manipur University. All these actions show that the puppet govt. neither have any respect of law, nor any respect of teaching communities; but is also vindictive and callous. Another example of the high-handedness of the govt. is its’ constant strong arm tactics threatening the media fraternity which is regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy; either to gag it or to make it their mouthpiece by coercion. Thus the true color of the puppet regime is showing up that just Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (6) to please the Indian colonial masters it can do anything towards it’s own people. Integrity of Manipur, our people’s common destiny: From the very beginning, UNLF firmly believe, and is always propagating that all the ethnic brethren with common features and racial origin, inhabiting in Manipur, who are suffering together under Indian colonial rule have a common destiny and we should unite and fight together to attain it. We have an inseparable relationship among ours, that nature’s environment, the air and water, the mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the green fields and forests were all organically related with us human beings, and it is also linked up with the system of law and governance or the polity of the land. Peacefully co-existing and sharing a long historical journey withstanding all the hardships together; UNLF firmly believe that for all our small indigenous populations, peaceful co-existence and co-development is the only option we have to withstand the coming challenges and problems in the future also. Today, there are many arm groups for every ethnic community sprung up just for their ethnic exclusive interest. Such small ethnic based armed groups fail when fighting against stronger enemy like India; they got nothing but to compromise with the enemy by peace-talks and suspension of operation (SoO) etc. thus becoming revisionist and reactionaries. India fully exploit this opportunity and utilized the divide and rule policy to increase the animosity and rivalry for petty ethnic aspirations, between hills and valley, and amongst our ethnic brethren. But recently, on the 31st October last, a Mega Public-Rally which thronged all the important roads of greater Imphal in which lakhs and lakhs of people from every household of hills and plain; and peoples from each and every ethnic communities of Manipur voiced together that “the integrity and one-ness of Manipur cannot be disturbed” and “We want Peaceful Co-existence”. This loud unison of voices of our people have clearly given the firm and loud message to the GoI, who is trying to divide and weaken our people’s unity every now and then. This makes UNLF’s belief all the more stronger that “Our peoples’ destiny lies in Our Unity and together-ness”. Therefore, UNLF reiterates once again to all our compatriots that, for every community or ethnic group, to pursue for an administrative policy based on ethnicity or community does not augur well for a small population like Manipur. This will surely weaken us and will be nothing but disastrous for all of us. Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (7) Globalization, India’s Act East Policy and Manipur: As the world is fast changing and the impact of Globalization is enormous we can’t help but to take our steps cautiously. Notoriously enough, India’s “Act East Policy” which will be taken up through Manipur as it’s corridor to South East Asia, is not intended purely for the benefit and development of our peoples. Underneath it’s “development mantra”, there lies a sole hidden agenda for undercutting our liberation struggle by making it irrelevant with the life of the common people. This is basically a policy to drag the region, particularly Manipur in India’s globalization as a means for consolidating their colonial rule. We have no other alternative but to get prepared to be able to absorb the benefits and reject the harmful. All these will require timely preparation of infrastructure and inner strength so as to be able to absorb the merciless impact of globalization. Obviously, the present trend of economic globalization is cataclysmic for small backward economies of nations like ours which still doesn’t have a sound economic foundation of our own. Today, why the two of the most advanced and owerful nations in the world, US and UK, having apprehensions about the impact of Globalization affecting their national interests, are taking up steps such as, Prez Donald Trump’s “America First” and Britain taking up “Brexit” to withdraw from European Union should be a matter for intense deliberation among our Academicians, Intellectuals and Entrepreneurs. We should not tamely handover our precious resources to outside Multi-national Companies including Indian capitalist Industrialists who are profit racketeers just for the sake of a few jobs or a few state royalties. The much hyped Mega Railway Project and Trans-Asian Highway which are to be laid under the mask of Act East Policy will bring in countless economic migrants from India and abroad; due to which our small state is already reeling under its impact. Therefore, our academicians, intellectuals and entrepreneurs need heady discussions to frame our own policy and program to safeguard our people’s interest against the evil design of India’s Act East Policy to obliterate our Manipuri nation. Otherwise, we will simply be swept away. Greetings : Today on this auspicious occasion of the 54rd Anniversary of our party, the UNLF Central Committee extends its heartiest revolutionary greetings to all our fraternal Revolutionary parties of Manipur as well as of WESEA. And also, we extend our revolutionary greetings to all the oppressed peoples of WESEA who are long suffering under the Indian Colonial Rule. In the long run, victory will be ours, our oppressed peoples. Annual Statement of Central Committee – 2018 (8) Revolutionary Salute: On this solemn occasion of our Party’s 54rd Anniversary, UNLF Central Committee offers revolutionary salute to the founder leaders, Party Cadres, all the brave fighters who have laid down their life for the national struggle, and those civilians who have been killed by the IOF. Today we reaffirm our commitment to the national struggle for which they have given theirs.
The UNLF Central Committee also offers revolutionary salute to their Leaders including CM Sanayaima, Party cadres and all the revolutionary compatriots who are languishing in the Indian jail.