Home » Trabal conclave once more reiterated the Bills as anti tribal

Trabal conclave once more reiterated the Bills as anti tribal

by IT Web Admin
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IT News
Imphal, Sept 16: Even as the state government has been appealing the Hill based civil society organization to come out for talk to find out any mistake to the 3 government Bills, opposition continue to be poured in denying the government invitation. The government clarification regarding the Bills remain as useless as  Hill Base Civil Society organization, instead of working out an amicable solution stick firm to their agenda of separating the Hill area from the valley area. Amidst the government invitation a Tribal people conclave was held today at YPA Hall, Hiangtam Lamka, Churachandpur. The meeting resolved the passing of the three Bills as anti-tribal move. Even as the state government has time and again stated that there is no question of skipping the Hill Area committee as the content of the Bills does not override the jurisdiction of the tribal people the conclave once more reiterated that the HAC was deliberately skipped while introducing the Bills.

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