Parents and guardians of candidates appearing in the All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT) conducted by CBSE have appealed the JCILPS to relax the ongoing agitation on July 25. In a press meet held today at Manipur Press Club, a parents of the candidate, Akham Kunjakeshor Singh appealed the JCILPS to relax the day as the candidate are appearing the entrance test on the day from 10 am to 1 pm at various examination centers.
He said that around 6500 students from across the state are appearing in the AIPMT examination which will be conducted at most of the CBSE schools in the state. He further added that as most CBSE Schools are located at Pangei Road students might face problem in going to the examination centers if the agitation is not relaxed.
He further added that Parents and guardians of AIPMT appearing students also support the demand for implementation of ILP in the state but as it is also important for students to appear the examination, he appealed the JCILPS and the JAC against the brutal killing of Sapam Robinhood to relax the day in view of the examination.
Parents and Guardians appeal to relax ILP agitation on July 25