A DI Tata vehicle belonging to Andro Police station has been destroyed by an enraged mob and a woman has sustained injury during a clash between state security force and protestors at Andro Lamkhai under Thoubal Police station today.
According to our local reporter, the incident happened when a team of Andro police station try to disperse a large number of people from Andro who throng at Yairipok residence of Ibohanbi, founder and warden of Yairipok High School Hostel, who had allegedly molested a girl student of his hostel on Friday night.
During the face off the mob broke the police barricade and destroyed the vehicle. According to report, the injured woman has been identified as Leichungbam Khomdon (36) of Andro Machengpat.
Speaking to media persons, Councillor of Andro Nagar Panchayat Ward No 8, Chingkham Tombi Devi has condemned the “inhumane police action”.
She also said that the mob has no intention to destroy the house and school hostel of the accused. But they have marched from Andro to teach a lesson about the relation between teacher and student.
Meanwhile, according to Secretary of School Committee, K Raghumani, the accused warden has been terminated from the post with immediate effect in the wake of the incident.
After the accused has been produced before the District Session Judge, Thoubal yesterday, Ibohanbi has been remanded to police custody till March 22.
MLA of Andro Assembly Constituency, who attended a public meeting held today at Azad High School, Yairipok Lainingthou assured to take befitting action against the school authority and the warden who allegedly molested the 16-year-old girl student inside her hostel room.
He also said that as a step to prevent students studying from the assembly constituency of such immoral educational institute, schools at Andro will be developed with changing time.
Mob destroys police vehicle, woman injured
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