IT News
A new building consisting of three additional class rooms of the Tekcham Girl’s Upper Primary School Under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) was inaugurated by MLA Paonam Brojen on Tuesday at Tekcham in Thoubal District.
MLA of Wangjing Tentha A/C P.Brojen, Zonal Education Officer. Zone-lll, Thoubal Arambam Anilkumar Singh, Member of Langathel Zilla Parishad S.Ibetombi, Pradhan of Sapam Gram Panchayat S. Rameshwor and SMDC Member & Pradhan of Tekcham Gram Panchayat L.Iboyaima attended the function as chief guest, president and guests of honour respectively.
Paonam Brojen cutting the inaugural rebole of the building and handed over the school building to the School Authority.