IT News
Imphal, Nov 2
A statement by armed rebel group Maoist Communist Party Manipur (MCPM) , urged the government for immediate renovation of the renovate Sacred Mongba Hanba and Khurai Pung, which is a ritual site of indigenous Manipuri deity failure to do so called 48 hours general strike from midnight of December 5 to December 6.
“If the Ruling Party BJP and its militant front the RSS, can or is planning to construct a Temple dedicated to Ram, why can’t our tyrant BJP led state Govt also follow suit and work on our ancestral Mongba Hanba and Khurai pung khubham”, the Manipur Maoist question the ruling BJP led government.
The outfit further asked – When major cities in India with Mughal names are being systemically changed to their traditional Hindoo names, why should BJP led state Govt be left behind? It said they should also follow suit their master or is it a selective amnesia on such subjects.
The statement said when the titular King, the so called revered head of the erstwhile of the Kingdom of Kangleipak can be coerced or coaxed to take refuge under the fold of RSS, the Maoist Communist Party Manipur is forced to step up and lead the mass to restore our ancestral revered historical place and we are seeking the help of the General public to enforce a general strike of 48 hours w.e.f 0000 hours of 5th Dec. 2018 to 6th December mid night.
“Our society has reached a very critical and a very crucial stage where the BJP led state Govt is waging a war against its own people, where voices are muffled,mouths are gagged and where only their henchmen are being favored. It is no surprise to us that many an innocent who dare raise their voice are being put behind bars, and with malicious designs various false allegations are labelled against many Civil Society Organizations with the intention of bringing their names to dispute and to allegedly lead the public in a direction which they want to lead. Mention may be made of the alleged linking of NIPCO ( National Identity Protection Committee) to an explosion ( stage managed) whose leaders are now behind bars and also the arrest of a Local Meira Paibi Leader following the explosion at the Gate of the State Assembly. All these sinister acts of the BJP led Govt ,we believe is to gag the mouth and snuff out any voice of dissent being raised when their ulterior motive of the State Govt is exposed. Are these a ploy to keep the public at bay from the various nefarious designs of the BJP’s bigger game plan to a conclusion of the GOI-NSCN talk? Why is the state diverting its attention intentionally from the burning issue of our land being systemically encroached by the Myanmarese Govt with the blessings of New Delhi? Is the state Govt so impotent that they can only show their might to petty facebook up loaders, where as they should be paying their attention to other bigger issues. Isn’t it a common knowledge that the Govt can unleash their fury on petty protesters, arrest people and put them behind bars for pelting an egg on some handsome face, or use the infamous “Cyber Crime” to harass anyone, everyone who dare raise their eyebrows on our Demi-God CM’s attitude and his systemic cultural genocide of our land? What about the Dzuko Valley issue? Isn’t it a common knowledge that Nagaland Govt and her inhabitants are openly collecting toll fee and tickets tovisit the valley? Where is our narcissistic self proclaimed best CM ? Wasn’t the CM once a keyboard warrior who claimed he will buy the moon or has he started wagging his tail to the dog whistle of New Delhi? Or do they think by organizing some loot and plunder festivals they will divert people’s attention from the major burning issues.They may divert some but not us. As they say you can fool some all the time but not all the time. The Maoist Communist Party Manipur will never be fooled,coerced nor tempted like the other gullible opportunist. The MCPM is equally vexed at the last minute cancellation of a Press conference and the withholding of the press release of a leading Student’s Union, whose leaders were arrested by the State Govt, the excuse being that they have reached an agreement with the State Govt. Is this a part of you scratch my back and I scratch yours game, where some organization or union or CSO will be bought by greasing their palms and those that cannot be bought will be silenced or snuffed out. What about the defamation suit filed against the Imphal Free Press?
Was it that the IFP do not publish news which they love to gloat about like that of our other electronic medias which are bought? Is the tyrannical BJP led Govt on a shopping spree, shopping for voices that can be bought or by sending out feelers to defend their infamous & treacherous sell outs? What about the recent tragedy of our and the only Manipur University? Wasn’t it very obvious who he was trying to shield making us seriously believe that this man is no doubt an impotent person though he may think he is an important person. Impotent person are indeed treacherous because they are not man enough and to hide their inferiority they will unleash their fury on the helpless and the gullible ones. The carrot and the stick policy of BJP led tyrant State Govt may not be seen by the silent majority who pretends to sleep and turns a blind eye to the gross injustice being systemically meted to the public ( they indeed will never wake up as it is impossible to wake up those who pretends to sleep), but to the Maoist Communist Party Manipur this is something we will never keep our mouth zipped up. Some may think that we are making a din at the behest of a rival political party, but the MCPM would like to remind the public that we stand for the truth and justice only and just because we raise our voice against this puppet regime does not necessarily mean we are working for a rival political party. We have raised our voice loudly during the last corrupt regime also and we will continue raising our voice. We have to remind you of this fact because we know how treacherous and filthy this current regime is and we are fully aware that this slimy chameleon leader is capable of using all sorts of tricks up his sleeve”, the statement said.
The MCPM threatened to turn the table and make the regime taste a dose of its own medicine.
It said, “If the BJP led New Delhi can change the names of places to suit their own taste we would also change the names of our places to suit our ancestral pride, if the make shift temple of Ram hurts their pride then we also are hurt to see our Mongba Hanba in a hut while Mahabali resides in a majestic temple and we are also pained to see our Khurai Ahong pung khubham in a thatched hut while the Mahadeva lives in a grand temple. What is good for the goose is good for the gander too”.
The MCPM also remined the public that it takes a gun to bring down a gun and if treachery is the game the rulers play on us and if they think they can force down their ideology down our throat, we will resist and fight back & bring them to their knees.
“The General Strike which we the MCPM are calling from the midnight of the 5th December till the midnight of 6th December does not apply to the news persons or journalist, hospitality sectors like the Health care professionals, the sick and those needing urgent care, and to other civic amenity bodies. This General Strike is to express the frustration of the indigenous natives of the land whose culture has been subjected a systemic genocide since the last couple of centuries and whose voices were ignored by successive Governments. The outfit appealed the people to save our culture from Hindutva Fascism.
“Any individual or groups of individuals who thinks otherwise and those who try opposing us will be appropriately dealt with”, it added.