IT News
The Department of English, Thoubal College Observed “International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women” at Thoubal College today.
Principal of Thoubal College O.Chaoba Devi, Advocate Dr.Ch.Narendra Singh and Asso Prof. & Head Department of English of Thoubal College L.Loken Singh attended the occasion as chief guest, functional president and Guest of honour respectively.
During the observance , resource persons W.Memma Devi Asstt. Prof. English Department Thoubal College spoke on the topic – “ Violence Against Women as Reflected in English Literature”, Nando Mangang spoke on “Meitei/Meetei Women According to Meire/Meetei Philosophy” and Asso Prof. & Head Department of English of Thoubal College L. Loken Singh spoke on the topic “International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women”.
Teachers and Students of Thoubal College also attended the function.