Imphal West District Police organised a day long legal awareness and interaction program at the recreation hall, Imphal West District Police.
The awareness was sponsored by Imphal West District Legal Services Authority.
Speaking on the occasion, AK Jhaljit Singh, IPS, Member, Imphal West District Legal Services Authority said that such program will be able to bring forth the difficulties being faced by the Investigative Officers while investigating in bringing justification of a case. He said that the program will also give an awareness of all the available Acts and their parts and roles of the Investigative Officers in bringing justice for criminal cases.
Jhaljit added that he is aware of the pressure from the public of justice being delayed and accordingly the Officers are trying to be mobilised. He added that number of filing charge sheet cases has increased three times from last year for only Imphal West district. Many cases have reached to trial procedures.
Chief Judicial Magistrate of Imphal West, RK Memcha Devi, MJS said that the role of Police is equally big as that of public prosecutor in bringing justification of criminal cases. She spoke about the basic tools and requirements of being a good investigator.
District and Session Judge, Manipur East and Chairman, Imphal West District Legal Services Authority, A. Guneshwar Shrama spoke on the topic of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and various steps and procedures to be taken up.
Legal awareness program for police personnel held
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