IT News
Senapati, April 25:
As the second phase for election to 18th General Election to Lok Sabha, 2014 is on Friday i.e. 26th April, 2024, the District Election Officer/ DC Senapati Mamoni Doley, IAS appealed every eligible person to exercise their right to vote.
The DEO reiterated that Photo Voter slips are not to be valid as stand-alone identification document for votingas per instruction from ECI. In case of electors who are not able to produce Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) shall produce one of the following alternative identity documents for establishing identity. They are Aadhaar Card, MNREGA Job Card, Passbooks with photograph issued by Bank/ Post Office, Health Insurance Smart card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour, Driving License, PAN Card, Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR, Indian Passport, Pension document with photograph, Service Identity cards with photograph, Official identity cards issued to MPs/ MLAs/ MLCs and Unique Disability ID (UDID) card.
On tuning to theme of ECI ‘Making elections, inclusive, accessible and participative’ she informed that voting by Persons with Disabilities and persons above 85 years have exercised their right to vote through postal ballot voting on 16th April, 2024 across the three Assembly Segments of Senapati District.
She warned that any person who threatened any candidate or elector or any other person with injury of any kind, is punishable with imprisonment up to one year or with fine or both under the section 171 C of IPC.
She also said that public places including polling stations has been enforced as No Smoking and Tobacco Free Zones under Section 4 of “The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 (COPTA 2023).
The DEO also appealed the public of Senapati to refrain from taking any bribe and in case anybody offers bribeor is having knowledge about the bribe or cases of threat/ intimidation of electors, then he or she should inform on toll free number 1950 of Complaint Monitoring Cell or 9436892474, 9436892435, 9436892430 or use Election Commission’s C- VIGIL app to file complaints of MCC violations.
She further to all the voters and Political parties to facilitate a peaceful election in which voters could cast their vote without any fear.