Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol (CADA) and Manipur Network of Positive People (MNP+) observed the World AIDS Day at Manipur Press Club, Imphal today, on the theme “Getting to Zero; Zero new HIV Infections, Zero AIDS related Death, Zero Discrimination”.
The observation was presided by Advocate Yumnam Ratankumar, President Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol (CADA), Pradeep Kumar Jha (IAS),Project Director Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) as Chief Guest, Wangkhemcha Shyamjai,President All Manipur Working Journalist Union (AMWJU) and Dr.N.Sunil Kumar,HOD Defense Studies DM College of Science attended as guest of honours respectively.
Speaking on keynote, L.Deepak, President,MNP+ said that “Getting to Zero” Zero new HIV Infections, Zero AIDS related Death, Zero Discrimination” would not happen and millions of people will die unnecessarily unless governments do the right thing and live up to the financial pledges they have made.
He said that the government should have a sustained commitment to comprehensive treatment, prevention and care service. Further talking on the HIV treatment prospect he also urge the desire of having drug resistance test machine installed in the health setting.
CADA and MNP+ jointly observed World AIDS Day