Home » Allow aspirants to write in Meitei Mayek for Manipuri literature in UPSC exams – MP Sanajaoba

Allow aspirants to write in Meitei Mayek for Manipuri literature in UPSC exams – MP Sanajaoba

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Feb 9:

Rajya Sabha MP Leishemba Sanajaoba in a special mention has drawn the attention of upper house to allow candidates appearing Civil Service examination conducted by the UPSC to write in Bengali and Meitei Mayek script for Manipuri Literature optional papers, in the ongoing parliament session at Rajya Sabha.
MP Leishemba Sanajaoba putting up as a special mention said, there are two optional papers, Paper I and Paper II for Manipuri literature with a total mark of 500(250 each) in the civil services exam conducted by the UPSC. From 2006 onwards, as a state policy by the Government of Manipur has started the transformation from Bengali script to Meitei Mayek in a phased manner. Colleges and Universities in Manipur have started the transformation from Bengali script to Meitei Mayek and have already produced BA and MA graduates. As Graduate and Post Graduate who elect Manipuri subjects written in Meitei Mayek are now having problems taking Manipuri as an optional subject in the UPSC exam, as the exam papers are set in Bengali script. There have been demands by the candidates to allow them to write in Meitei Mayek script for Manipuri optional papers and is a legitimate demand, said the Rajya Sabha MP from Manipur.
To solve the said problem faced by aspirant candidates, instructions in the Manipuri literature for UPSC Main exams which currently reads as “Answer must be written in Manipuri(Bengali script) should be changed to allow the candidates to write the exam in either Bengali or Meitei Mayek script for Manipuri Literature, urged MP Leishemba Sanajaoba.

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