Home » 7TH Women’s Science Congress inaugurates

7TH Women’s Science Congress inaugurates

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Imphal, March 18: 7th Women Science Congress, 2018 was inaugurated today in the backdrop of the ongoing 105th Indian Science Congress on its 3rd day being held at Manipur University since 16th March.

Keshari Nath Tripath, Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal inaugurated the 7th Edition of Science Congress for women at the Centenary Hall of Manipur University.

Prof. Vijay Laxmi Saxena, Former General Secretary, India Science Congress Association (ISCA) and Mrs. Namita Gupta, Scientist, Dept. of Science & Technology graced the function as guests of honours. The inaugural function was presided over by Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena, Former General Secretary, ISCA.

Prof. Aday Prasad Pandey, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Manipur University, Prof. P.P. Mathur, General Secretary (Scientific Activities), ISCA, and Prof. Gangadhar, General Secretary (Membership Affairs) ISCA also graced the occasion as Hon’ble Guests.

Key Note Address was delivered by Prof. A.P Pandey, Vice-Chancellor Manipur University. In his speech he said Women Science Congress is the most important part of the 105th Indian Science Congress for many reasons. It reflects ranges of areas where women’s intellectual, innovation, ideas, and many other things for women are given vibrant platform in promoting science and technology at many levels. Our Indian women scientists are not only taking initiatives but also taking part in the development of the country. The theme of this edition “Reached the Unreached Through Science and Technology” is apt to those areas where the light of scientific development has not spread yet and to those areas where we have not done research on. Our forefathers pioneered in many fields. The first surgery was done in India and ‘0’ (zero) was invented by an Indian.

Delivering the Chief Guest’s speech, Shri Keshari Nath said Women Science Congress is a significant step towards nation building and remarkable endeavour made by the ISCA to motivate and encourage women to have a strong presence in science and technology.

“Let us not forget that behind the simple, docile and humble identity of every woman there is a razor sharp brain, and an uncanny ability to execute, to convert thought into action without much effort,” he said. Women if given the opportunity and support may excel in any field. It is a great step to improving the parity that exists between them and their male counterparts.

Through Women’s Science Congress, more young female minds can be inspired to be a part of scientific community, to engage themselves in active research in science. Indian women have significant contributions at various levels but contribution in field of Science and Technology is less than expected.

This Women Science Congress may be regarded a small but an important step towards women empowerment through science and technology.

In his speech he said women of Manipur are brave, courageous and enterprising. They contribute in maintaining peace and harmony in the state. They take major role in economic and commercial activities. The local and traditional markets are run by the women only. History proves the bravery and courageous nature of Manipuri women right from the British rule in India. In times of turmoil and unrest in the state women come to the forefront to resolve and bring peace. These women equipped with scientific and technological acumen can go a long way in bringing overall development of the region and the nation at large.

 Addressing her Guest of Honour’s speech, Prof. Vijay Laxmi Saxena said Women Science Congress is ceremonized for the 7th time to salute the enthusiasm of Indian women and commemorate their contributions to the society. India is a country with 50% of female population. So, women empowerment is immensely important for the development of the country. She said in spite of women performing exceedingly well in school and colleges very few women make science and technology as their chosen career due to certain limitations raised by our society, they opt out of their professional career. She said the most important step to improve empower women to remove the disparity of gender bias.

Speaking on the occasion, Mrs. Namita Gupta said that Women’s Science Congress has been successfully organising for the last six years. In rural settings even today some people have the notion that women should get married early and maintain house hold rather than pursue the bright path of knowledge. The same challenges are still facing in urban areas sometimes despite significant development.

More women scientists should participate in spreading science as a career. She asserted that the study of National Academies also reveals that the number of women fellows is not proportionate to the number of women scientists. She said that the women’s science congress forum may bring out an action plan to evolve parity.

A souvenir was also released in today’s inaugural function.

The function commenced with National Anthem and felicitation of dignitaries followed by lighting up of the ceremonial lamp. Welcome speech was delivered by Prof. P.P Mathur, General Secretary, ISCA. The function concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Gangadhar, General Secretary (MA) ISCA.

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