Home » 6 major organizations of Manipur derecognizes titular king Leishemba Sanajaoba

6 major organizations of Manipur derecognizes titular king Leishemba Sanajaoba

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News

Imphal, June 14:

Six major organizations of the state including All Manipur United Club Organisation (AMUCO, International Peace and Social Upliftment (IFSA), United Peoples’ Front (UPF), Heritage Council (HERICOUN, CCSK and LIPUL today said that the organizations derecognized  Leishemba Sanajaoba as the king of Manipur over his failure to announce his stand regarding the mixing of King’s institution and politics.

A statement signed by the leaders of the organizations said that as Leishemba Sanajaoba has stand firm on his decision to contest the RS election besides plea by people of the state , people need not recognize him as the king of Manipur and further any acts by him as king of Manipur should not be attended by the people of the state.

The six organizations had earlier urged the king to make his stand clear on whether to go as MP of Rajya Sabha or to remain as the king of Manipur on or before June 12 . However in view of his decision the six organizations tool the decision to recognize him as king of Manipur.

As per his statement at Print and electronic media he want to hold both the Rajya Seat and the as King of Manipur.

The six organizations compared Leishemba Sanajaoba as Garbaniwaz (Pamheiba of 18 century Manipur). Pamheiba was a successful King who had succeeded in many war fields and had manage to rule the largest kingdom however people do not remember him as a good king.

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