Home » 5 Police personnel suspended over Lilong custodial killing case

5 Police personnel suspended over Lilong custodial killing case

by Rinku Khumukcham
1 comment 1 minutes read

IT News

Imphal, Dec 21,

State government has suspended 5 police commando personnel and taken up an FIR against the police personnel and the Assam Rifles troops involved in the death of one Abdul Gaffar. Replying to a calling attention motion by MLA Joykishan, the Chief Minister said that state government had also urged the union home ministry to hand over the Assam Rifles personnel to Manipur police. 

While appreciating the state government for assurance to provide a government job to the next kin besides ex-gratia to every victims of custodial death MLA Joykishan ask the Chief Minister if such could be a precedent of the House for every such incident. MLA Joykishan was asking the matter while moving his call attention motion regarding yesterday’s incident at Lilong which sparked out of the death of an auto driver after he was arrested by a combined team of Thoubal District Police Commando and the 26 Assam Rifle.

In his call attention motion Joykishan also draw the attention of the Chief minister on why actions are not proceeded against the AR personnel as who had equally committed the crime.

Replying the motion Chief Minister N. Biren Singh said that the FIR taken up was as per report of the wife of the deceased MD Abdul Gaffar and definitely it was against the involved police personnel and the ARs.

“We have suspended 5 police personnel in connection with the incident and also set up a magisterial enquiry committee”, said N. Biren Singh adding that while doing so it does not mean that we are favouring such victims without doing proper investigation. “The 5 police personnel were suspended to initiate investigation over the death and that he died in custody and custodial death is a crime”, Biren said.

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rajesh December 21, 2018 - 4:47 pm



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