Home » UZO queries on the battle between Th. Brinda and GOM

UZO queries on the battle between Th. Brinda and GOM

by Rinku Khumukcham
0 comments 3 minutes read

Zoveng, Aug. 1

The United Zou Organisation (UZO) General Headquarters has been extremely concerned on the unending battle going on between Mrs. Th. Brinda and Government of Manipur so much so that the organisation is compelled to put few pertinent queries on this regard.
Closely monitoring the nature of war of words unfolding on daily basis, the United Zou Organisation (UZO) like to ask : Is such indignity and excess being meted out to the accused Lhukhosei Zou because he belongs to the minority community?Is Th Brinda former ASP-NAB now attached to Police HQ Imphal deliberately harboring contemptuous and scornful prejudice towards Lhukhosei Zou as the latter hails from a tribal community? The United Zou Organisation also take a serious note on her disdainful “Quota-IPS” tag against a tribal police (IPS) officer on social media recently. We fear such a scornful attitude and derisive statement may hurt the healthy relations of different communities living together in Manipur for ages.
Now, it is unfortunate to see that Lhukhosei Zou’s case has been politicized by the Congress (I) Party which decided to stage a No Confidence Motion in coming Manipur Assembly to demand the case of Lhukhosei transferred to the CBI. Such level of cheapness is least expected from the oldest Political Party of India.
Failing to weave the case proceedings as she desired, fustrated Brinda scorned the honourable judge, threatened the witness doctors, squabbled with her superiors in office, and challenged certain politicians. Such reckless disposition is the first of its kind in the history of Manipur. She is currently working overtime to even blackmail the public emotion by posting her naratives in facebook continuously. Brinda’s attempt to derail the judicial proceeding continues unabated.
So, we appeal the concerned authorities and right thinking citizens not to disrupt the flow of judicial proceedings so that the guilty, whosoever be, punished and justice served to all. We also urge the state authority to curb Th. Brinda from conducting ‘media trail’ over and over again. Let her conduct be appropriately dealt with by the concerned authority as per rule of service. It is learnt that there are ordinary citizens sent to jail for talking against the Government and NSA labelled on them, while Th. Brinda a Government servant challenging the Judiciary, Executive and the Legislature and what not but still immune from Departmental Enquiry, Suspension, Termination or dismiss from service. Is it because of her background or is her status above the law of the land? We repeatedly demand justice be not delayed.
Let us not forget that Mr Lhukhosei Zou is an elected politician of the State, and has a family, community, friends and well-wishers too like Mrs. Brinda. It is sad that the word ‘drug lord’ has been tag to Lhukhosei Zou which in fact has assassinated his career and character again and again as if he is already proven guilty by the court. Let us all have faith in the law of the land. Are we heading toward anarchy, let the law of the land prevail.
Last but not the least, the United Zou Organisation earnestly request student bodies, Congress (I) and other Political Parties and civil bodies of hill and valley to refrain from publishing unnecessary statement which may spoil the court proceedings.


Sd/- Sd/-
(CHINLUNTHANG) (K G TUNGNUNG) President, General Secretary,
United Zou Organisation. United Zou Organisation.

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