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Always do good deeds and be grateful to all

by Rinku Khumukcham
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As they say, Karma never fails, it is certain that the fruits of the actions will definitely be received. The karma of this birth and the karma of the previous birth, both are accounted for. Something must have been done wrong behind, the result of which has to be suffered today. In the same way, the good or bad deeds done in the present life, their result will definitely be felt in the next life if not here. The living beings who are suffering today without their visible fault, must have done something wrong in their past lives. This cycle goes on. Therefore, it is wise to live consciously all the time and keep doing good acts, indulge in charity, help others, so that the account of karma remains good and shining. One should be grateful to God, to people around for what s/he has. Start noticing the things that money cannot buy. Be grateful for all of these things. Maintain a gratitude journal and jot down all the things for which you are grateful to others. Be thankful, be grateful for the air we breathe, the food we eat, the comforts we enjoy.
Gratitude gives power. The kind and compassionate people who feed the homeless and hungry animals, help the poor, all of them get blessings. It does make a difference. Every living being has a soul, and every soul has equal power. It is just a game of actions that some are suffering and some are safe. Happy people should not ignore karma. If the deeds of their present birth are not good, then believe me, what kind of life they will live after death, they have no clue yet. One who remains grateful has no complaints about the present life, nor does s/he has any worries about the future. Gratitude is the state of ultimate bliss. Being grateful gives peace of mind and makes one feel closer to God. Read good literature, be in the company of good people, do good deeds, and be grateful to everyone.
The pandemic has changed many people mentally, physically and spiritually. Most of the people were suffering from depression and physical ailments during and after the first and second waves of pandemic. People prayed to the Creator of this Universe to come out from this worst situation. They realised how important their life is. Everything we already have is so precious and we should be thankful for all that we have. This was understood better by those who lost someone dear during the pandemic. Those who survived, their spiritual thinking became stronger. Belief developed in the superpowers and the Creator who manages the world. After all, there is some power which keeps this world going. There is someone who created so many fauna and flora and created a whole system of life. Who gave us intelligence and gave us the power to think and create new things. Whatever name you give to that power and whatever way you remember or pray to that ultimate power, but somewhere there is someone who keeps an account of our deeds and maintains a balance in this world. We salute that power with all our gratitude.

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