After BJP Candidate Ginsuanhau got elected in the bi-election after rival independent candidate Chinglunthang withdrew his candidature in Singhat Assembly constituency, campaign at the remaining four assembly constituencies where the bi-election is scheduled on November 7 is gaining momentum amidst COVID-19 pandemic. With just few days left, the frequency of election campaign meeting is on the rise. People in the four assembly constituencies where the bi-election will be held show election campaign meeting everyday attended by star campaigners of major political parties.
All the political parties claimed the meeting to have been conducted following the SOPs to contain COVID-19 pandemic, but photos and videos uploaded at social media as well as photo captured through the lens of reporter show supporters gathering without maintaining social distances, some are seen with face mask but many are also seen sitting among the public attending the meeting without face masks. Close contact between workers of rival candidates while having heated argument with workers getting hurt as they scuffled at Lilong assembly constituencies have been reported. Particularly in these four assembly segments – Lilong, Wangjing Tentha, Wangoi and Saitu, people seems to have forgotten that an unseen dreaded virus that is killing not only the Manipuri society but also attacking the people across the world. All they heard at the campaign meeting are about justification of the respective candidates by their respective leaders to win the heart of the voters. COVID-19 pandemic is not an issue for the bi-election in Manipur even though it is a major threat for all the people across the world.
Well for both the ruling party as well as for the opposition candidates, it may be of utmost important for them to win the five seats, where the BJP had already won one with the rival candidate withdrawing his candidature at Singhat assembly constituency.
Promise and assurances for development and jobs on the other hand criticisms for violation of the constitutional provisions were topic at almost every election campaign meeting of any political party. None of the leaders of any political party’s campaigners seems to render the reality of the present Manipur because of the COVID-19 pandemic. None of the leaders – be it Conrad Sangma of the NPP, who is the chief Minister if Meghalaya and also the president of the NPP, or the Chief Minister of Manipur N. Biren Singh or the Congress star campaigners including CLP leaders Okram Ibobi had ever mention the gathering on the needs to follow SOPs for containment of the COVID-19 . There has never been any single words heard from the election campaigners about the need for containment of the virus that is and will be killing the society. Blame games to one another were what has been heard from the words of the so called public figures that represented their respective political parties.
Bi-election is mandatory as per the provision of the constitution of the country but saying so why these leaders of every political parties are leaving aside the real issues taking advantage of the gathering for election meeting. Irrespective of political parties, the Election commission should have made mandatory for spreading of awareness about the COVID-19 and for that the commission should have directed the government to make an arrangement that all election related meeting should be attended by at least an expert from the state health department so that people gathering for election (for whoever candidates) are taught about the needs to protect themselves from the pandemic. The commission could have empowered those experts to enforce the SOPs while conducting the election meeting.
There is still time and the election meeting are likely to rise in the following few days until the election is completed . It will be better for the government to make it mandatory for an expert to delivered speech at all election related meetings of every candidates.