Home » BJP shows no concern for NE states

BJP shows no concern for NE states

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Inability to make a united stand among civil society groups , political parties and the students’ bodies is again becoming a stumbling block to the ongoing agitation against contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill which is on its way to pass at Rajya Sabha.
All are against the Bill as it is about our land and people. Various form of agitations organised by various organizations are also against the passing of the Bill. But what will make the peoples’ movement ‘fail’ is the disunity among the various group either it may be the political parties, civil society bodies, students’ body or the meira paibis.
As of now, two apex bodies – one MANPAC another PAM is spearheading movement against the contentious CAB. Political parties too have group themselves as M DF and SDF. May be some differences of strategy on how to move on the agitations and oppose the Bill may be different, but the goal of all the agitating body are similar.
Yesterday saw PAM clarifying over a doctored video which went viral. As per their statement there are some people who are trying to confuse the agitation by drawing line on communal line. There may come another time that such plan to sabotage the peoples’ movement may come again using the similar techniques. And one thing the people of the state should understand is that as long as there is not unity among the various group it will give chances to those people who are in favour of the CAB in sabotaging the peoples’ movement.
Interesting development is the state BJP’s open declaration of opposing the Bill by leading a joint alliance of MDF. The Congress already make its stand and they had tie and again oppose the Bill and the 9 political parties under the banner SDF are on their way pushing their respective MPs to stop the CAB 2016 from passing in the Rajya Sabha.
Meanwhile, Ram Madhav , the North East in Charge General secretary of the BJP is very confident of getting passage of the Bill in the Rajya Sabha that he openly declared that the Bill will be presented as Supplementary in the Rajya Sabha.

It is on record that the day when the Contentious Citizen Amendment Bill, 2016 was passed in the Lok Sabha, there was wild uproar in the entire states of North East. In Tripura protestors were fired.
It is at this point that one need to ponder on why the BJP NE secretary told media about the things that has already burnt the NE. The very word of Ram Madhav is nothing but pouring of the fuel to the fire.
It may be remembered that the Chief Minister of Manipur, perhaps under pressure at least joint hands with some political party urged the Union Home Minister and the prime Minister to insert a clause that would protect the state from CAB, which is neither feasible nor listen by the BJP leadership.
Ram Madhav, the General Secretary in Charge of NE states for the BJP and present MP had stated that they are going to present the CAB 2016 and will pass in the Rajya Sabha too. The very statement of the BJP leader without saying anything to the demand of a BJP Chief Minister showed that they care nothing to NE states. After all the states put together including Sikkim have only 25 MPs. The issue of CAB and the uproar from the people of the state is not an issue as the BJP now shrewdly penetrated to West Bengal which have 42 MPs. Half of this number which the BJP is expecting to get due to the anti-incumbency factor of the Mamata Banerji Government as well as the number of illegal migrants which had already entered the city of joy who felt that they will be granted Indian citizenship. It is not an issue for Muslim migrant to convert it to any religion as most entered the country for survival. After all the CAB says persons without any document can also be granted citizenship of the country. There are no marks to any human being to show that he or she belong to any religion.  
As per news report appeared at some of the  Assam based newspapers, bold statement of Ram Madhav which humiliated the uproar of the public against the Bill showed that NE states is not important to them.

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