Imphal, June 24: Law Minister L. Jayantakumar Singh has said that Ultimate Justice and Truth are very close and it goes together. Attending a ‘Get Together’ Function of Government Advocates (High Court) and the Government Advocates of the subordinate courts of the districts; as chief guest, Minister expressed the need of concience for bringing justice in the society. He said that to resolve problems and conflicts, one has to be prudent. Minister appealed the advocates to deliver justice without delay. He also sought public cooperation in this regard. Minister also shared his past experiences when he was serving as government advocate and Chief Judicial Magistrate as well. He highlighted the necessity for the construction of infrastructure facilities which is lagging behind in the law department. All the grievances of the department will be heard and necessary actions will be taken up, he added. The programme was attended by Advocate General, Manipur Shri N. Kumarjit Singh, Law Secretary Th. Kaminikumar Singh, Joint Secretary Law, Nungshitombi Athokpam as Guest of Honour and Special Guests
Ultimate justice and truth are very close: L. Jayantakumar
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