IT News
Imphal, Feb 20
Ongoing Budget Session of the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly today passed demands for grants for 6 more departments amidst policy cut by opposition MLAs.
A sum of Rs. 81,71,91,000 has been passed as the demand for grants for Labour and Employment department. Oppositions MLAs K.Ranjit Singh, Th. Lokeshwar Singh, Md.Abdul Nasir, Kh. Joykishan Singh and Surajkumar Okram moved Policy Cut motion on the ground of Negligence of Labour rights and failure to provide job to unemployment, Lack of transparency in the distribution of sewing machines in Khundrakpam A\C. ,Irregularities in the functioning of Lilong ITI., Failure of Manipur Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board and Failure to generate employment and to introduce state labour policy.
A sum of Rs. 9,11,72,74,000 has been passed for the Department of Tribal Affairs and Hills Development but the opposition MLAs K.Ranjit Singh, Kh. Joykishan Singh, Alfred Kangnam Arthur and Surjakumar Okram disapproved it on the ground of irregularities in delivering government facilities to underprivileged hill people, Failure in making policy to promote Tribal languages, Inability to implement provisions of Rule of Law in the functioning of the Autonomous Districts Councils, negligence and lack of development between hills and valleys and Poor implementation of Tribal Welfare Scheme.
Moving the policy cut motion MLA K Ranjit drilled the TD department on the whereabouts of the sum of Rs. 29 crore 67 lakhs which is missing from the account of the TD. He also questioned on what action has been initiated against the officer involved in the missing of the huge amount of public money.
A sum of Rs. 769,45,04,000 has been passed for Environment and Forest but opposition MLAs K.Ranjit, Ak. Mirabai Devi and Alfred Kanngam Arthur disapproved policy cut on account of inability to check deforestation in the Hills, Negligence in the conservation of forest cover areas and inability to curb the forest offences and Non –adherence to policies and rules in the implementation of programs and projects.
For power department the demand for grant passed today is Rs. 3,61,01,38,000 . Opposition MLAs K.Ranjit Singh, K.Meghachandra Singh and Kh.Joykishan Singh moving policy cut motion on account of Failure to disconnect the power supply system and to produce power by the Solid Waste Management Plant, Lamdeng, Failure in construction of powerhouse sub-station of Yairipok and failure in extensions of A-B cables to the left out area of 32- Wangkhem A\C. and Failure in having state’s own Electricity Regulatory Commission and failure to have a clear agreement with Loktak Hydro Electric Project.
As for the Art and Culture department a sum of Rs .3.440,63,000 has been passed. Opposition MLAs K.Meghachandra Singh, Ak.Mirabai Devi, Kh .Joykisan Singh , RK.Imo and Surjakumar Okram moved policy cut on the ground of Delay in development works of Arts and Culture department, failure to implement Manipur Culture policy and Manipur Film Policy and delay in the opening of office for culture for the hilly area. Failure in honouring and giving incentives to renowned persons in Arts and Culture and Lack of proper plan to save Thong –Nambonbi and Failure to implement cultural policy.
A sum Rs. 12,41,96,000 has also been passed for Information and Technology .