IT News
Imphal, Nov 27,
News report under the heading “A Convert in Exile – NSCN (K)’s new chief, Yung Aung, is a Meitei-turned Naga Nationalist” appeared on the Week Magazine , November 24, 2018 Edition is being refuted by Seram Mantosh and had written a complaint letter to the Publisher and the editor of the Week Magazine.
In the complaint letter Mantosh stated that the article (cover story) entitled “A Convert in Exile” written by Rabi Banerjee has misquoted his name as younger brother of one Nomgmeikapam Thoiba Singh.
“My name is quoted as saying many things about the said person, which I had never said to anyone”, he wrote.
“I am the son of Late Seram Mangi Singh (Father) and Seram Ongbi Lata Devi (Mother). My residence is at Singjamei Wangma Kshetri Leikai, Imphal East District, Manipur. We are altogether six brother and sisters. In this news story written by Rabi Banerjee, it is mistakenly written that the said Nongmeikapam Thoiba singh is my elder brother. It is totally wrong and baseless. Moreover, I have never known who is ‘Yung Aung’, the said leader of NSCN(K).
“That such an erroneous portrayal of my name and my family as having relations with an unknown person is unfounded and unsubstantiated. It amounts to defamation to sabotage my life and career as a law abiding citizen of India.”, the letter stated.
The letter sought clarification from the ‘The Week Magazine’ and also to compensate the loss of prestige and social image on my part due to the News Story
“I further challenge the contents of the news story and its contributor Mr. Rabi Banerjee, who writes and publication concocted stories without verifying facts and figures” Seram Mantoah wrote.
Seram Mantosh is ready to take legal aid if the Week Magazine failed to clarify the matter.