Home » Sangai Festival Euphoria; housefull on the last day; many returns disapointedly

Sangai Festival Euphoria; housefull on the last day; many returns disapointedly

by IT Web Admin
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The last day of Sangai Festival turn out to be another history for the people of the state as tickets for entry to the festival venue has been sold out before noon, much before the opening of the gate. 
“More than 70000 tickets were sold out today morning” said a ticket counter runner. Interestingly only 30000 visitors are allowed entry per day as according to the directives of the organizing committee.
 Ticket counter located at the back side of City Convention Center, Palace Gate ran out of ticket at around 11:50 am of today’s morning. They have sold 30000 tickets since early morning around 7 am.
One of the person who was standing  at the queue only to get the ticket told our staff reporter that person who were selling ticket at the ticket counter informed them that the ticket will be available after collecting tickets from the Department at around 2pm today but so far no to ticket has been provided.
Sign written as “Ticket Sold Out” was seen hanging at the ticket counter gate of City Convention Center back side. Many were standing in queue despite today’s hot weather.
Though the public were noticed about the unavailability of tickets at the ticket counter, one were compel to pay a sum starting from a minimum of Rs 50 to a maximum of Rs 300 per ticket. To be precise, the actual price of the ticket is just Rs 20 only if its bought from the ticket counter and Rs.21 if booked online.
On the other hand, VDF personals were seen buying bundle of tickets from the ticket counter located near Andro parking. Many person standing at the queue went furious seeing the VDF personnels. One Sub-Inspector(SI) even tried to beat one of the VDF personal after seeing our staff reporting taking pictures of the going on situation.

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